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Only a Singing Bird
Various composers

NYCoS National Girls Choir

Only a Singing Bird

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Signum Classics
UPC: 0635212044025
Catnr: SIGCD 440
Release date: 05 February 2016
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Signum Classics
Catalogue number
Release date
05 February 2016

About the album

NYCoS National Girls Choir, founded in 1996, is joined by world renowned mezzo soprano, Karen Cargil for this fantastic new recording.; Only a Singing Bird features the best-known works of Michael Head. Included in this beautiful collection of songs are The Ships of Arcady, The Little Road to Bethlehem, and his imaginative song-cycle, Snowbirds.; The ensemble has been under the baton of Christopher Bell since its inception.
De bekendste liederen van Michael Head
Het is pas iets meer dan een eeuw geleden dat jonge amateurkoren een repertoire begonnen te krijgen dat zonder gêne uitgevoerd zou kunnen worden. In 1906 probeerde Charles Villers Stanford het niveau van de schoolmuziek te verbeteren door de publicatie van het New National Song Book, dat tot aan de jaren 50 succesvol was in meerdere edities. Dit boek bevatte, naast een aantal canons en volksliederen, veel liederen over de zee. Het is dan ook niet verrassend dat het oudste gecomponeerde werk op dit album The Ships of Arcady is, tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog geschreven door Michael Head.

Head werd als tiener afgewezen voor militaire dienst, en begon te werken in een munitiefabriek. Tijdens deze periode componeerde hij zijn eerste collectie met sololiederen, Over the Rim of the Moon, die in 1919 gepubliceerd werd. Vele andere liederen volgden daarop. In totaal componeerde hij ongeveer 124 liederen, die zich verder verspreidden in koorbewerkingen.

Only a Singing Bird bevat de bekendste werken van Head, The Ships of Arcady en het populaire The Little Road to Bethlehem, en daarnaast zijn prachtig voorgestelde, nostalgische liederencyclus Snowbirds. Bovendien bevat het album ook werken van andere componisten. Ze worden uitgevoerd door het NYCoS National Girls Choir, in samenwerking met hun mecenas, de wereldberoemde mezzosopraan Karen Cargill.


NYCoS National Girls Choir

NYCoS National Girls Choir, chosen from Scotland’s best young female singing talent, demonstrates a freshness of voice and unrivalled diction that receives consistent praise. Performing regularly throughout Scotland, the Girls Choir is invited to sing at world-class music festivals and events including BBC Proms in the Park, Edinburgh International Festival, Aberdeen International Youth Festival and Lammermuir Festival. The Choir has also made several TV and radio appearances, including BBC One Scotland’s Christmas Celebration watchnight service in 2014. The Choir released two commercial CDs, prior to Only a Singing Bird, both of which were critically acclaimed. The first is a recording of two complementary works; Britten A Ceremony of Carols and the rarely-performed Poston An English Day-Book (2010). The second, also...
NYCoS National Girls Choir, chosen from Scotland’s best young female singing talent, demonstrates a freshness of voice and unrivalled diction that receives consistent praise. Performing regularly throughout Scotland, the Girls Choir is invited to sing at world-class music festivals and events including BBC Proms in the Park, Edinburgh International Festival, Aberdeen International Youth Festival and Lammermuir Festival. The Choir has also made several TV and radio appearances, including BBC One Scotland’s Christmas Celebration watchnight service in 2014. The Choir released two commercial CDs, prior to Only a Singing Bird, both of which were critically acclaimed. The first is a recording of two complementary works; Britten A Ceremony of Carols and the rarely-performed Poston An English Day-Book (2010). The second, also on the Signum label, is Bennett Letters to Lindbergh (2012).
Membership of NYCoS National Girls Choir is granted by audition on a yearly basis and is open to girls who are born, resident or studying in Scotland. The Choir has two sections, suitable for all ages and stages: National Girls Choir (NGC) is for experienced singers who can cope with the advanced musical and vocal demands of a national choir; National Girls Training Choir is for girls who audition successfully but whose voices are not quite ready for NGC, or who need a bit more choral experience. The girls, aged 12–16, travel from all over Scotland to take part in an intensive six- day residential course at Loretto School in Musselburgh, East Lothian, where time is split between high-quality vocal coaching, musicianship training and full choir rehearsals with highly-qualified staff who are experts in their fields. “This youth choir is so on it - the vitality, the diction, everything that you want from a young choir is there. It’s beautiful; it’s very grown up but youthful too.” - Jeremy Summerly on BBC Radio 3.

Christopher Bell (conductor)

Philip Moore (piano)

Karen Cargill (vocals)


Play album Play album
Snowbirds: The Bird of Morn
(Michael Head) Nycos National Girls Choir, Karen Cargill, Philip Moore
Snowbirds: Under the Bower of Night
(Michael Head) Nycos National Girls Choir, Karen Cargill, Philip Moore
Snowbirds: Little Foo
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
Snowbirds: Love Offerings
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
Snowbirds: Only a Singing Bird
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
Snowbirds: Spring Grass
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
Snowbirds: King Ra
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Food of Love – Book 2: Spring
(Gary Carpenter) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Food of Love – Book 2: Under the Greenwood Tree
(Gary Carpenter) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Food of Love – Book 2: Winter
(Gary Carpenter) Karen Cargill, Philip Moore, Nycos National Girls Choir
A Funny Fellow
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Ships of Arcady
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Little Road to Bethlehem
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Robin’s Carol
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
Star Candles
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
Ave Maria
(Michael Head) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
Bonie Wee Thing
(Ken Johnston) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Wind That Shakes Barley
(Ken Johnston) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
The Circus
(Stephen Deazley) Philip Moore, Karen Cargill, Nycos National Girls Choir
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